Like this website style?     It is one of the styles we offer.    See it here.
Try adding a photo!   Add 1 Photo -
Varied Styles And Sizes

» Only $70* per photo!

This is our Photo Layout Style 3 - Mixed. 

It can really spice things up if you added just 1 (one) photo. But, if you need more we can do that too, click to see, in most cases for the low price of $70.00 each*.

» Sizes to choose from:

Vertical photos are photos that are taller then they are wide. Horizontal photos are wider than they are tall. Below you can see how they look together.  Just pick which photo size works best in you situation.

'Tall' or 'Wide' your photo must be formatted to one of these widths, 350px, 300px, 250px, 200px, 150px, and for the sidebar  150px, 125px or 100px. A "px" is a pixal.

 This is a photo with the dimensions of:
 Width= 350px Height= 467px.
(While the 350px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)
This is a photo with the dimensions of:
 Width= 350px Height= 263px.
(While the 350px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)
This is a photo with the dimensions of:
Width: 300px Height: 400px.
(While the 300px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)
This is a photo with the dimensions of:
Width: 300px Height: 225px.
(While the 300px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)
This is a photo with the dimensions of:
 Width: 250px Height: 267px.
(While the 250px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)
This is a photo with the dimensions of:
 Width: 250px Height: 188px.
(While the 250px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)
This is a photo with the dimensions of:
 Width: 200px Height: 267px.
(While the 250px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)
This is a photo with the dimensions of:
Width: 200px Height: 150px.
(While the 200px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)
This is a photo with the dimensions of:
Width: 150px Height: 200px.
(While the 200px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)
This is a photo with the dimensions of:
Width: 150px Height: 113px.
(While the 150px across is the size requirement here, there is some flexibility about the height.)

You can have text under each photo or no text at all. If you have text it will be centered under the photo as shown above. Paragraphs above and below the photo set are displayed just as it is seen here.

You can mix horizontal and vertical photos on the same page just keep the sizes about the same. Refer to the width requirements above or see our Photo Layout Style 3 - Mixed.

» Only $70 per photo*:

*Only $70.00 (U.S.) for each photo that you want added to your website, if your photo meets our requirements.  You must have copyright privileges over any photos you submit. Also, your photo(s) must meet our width requirement for your package. See our FAQs for more details about these requirements.